AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner

With keynotes, advice, and sparring, Jack supports executives & business leaders to

Grow profit through AI

AI is more than the latest hype. Its success is driven by people, not tech or data.

1️⃣ Artificial intelligence is more than Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. Actually, these tools represent only 20% of the value that AI can deliver for companies. 2️⃣ 70% of all AI projects fail … not because of technology or lack of data. They fail because of people: people developing AI and people using it. 3️⃣ Companies struggle with AI when they focus on AI as a technology, instead of first defining the business problem that AI can solve.

AI is here to stay. Profit from it.

Would you like your company to benefit from the full value that AI can deliver? Would you like your employees to adopt AI in their jobs like they do in their private lives? Would you like to grow profit through AI?

Jack supports executives & business leaders to grow profit through AI.

With 27 years of experience in data & AI, in the USA & Germany, in tech & pharma, in global firms & startups, Jack explains what AI really is. He shows what AI can do for companies. He inspires through KEYNOTES, strategic ADVICE, and SPARRING to help focus on what really matters for profitable AI adoption: the human factor.

In person & virtual. Worldwide. With real life stories. Scroll down for examples, videos, and testimonials.

➡️ Discover all AI ... beyond ChatGPT
➡️ Realize what AI can do for any business
➡️ Learn about the biggest driver of AI adoption
➡️ Understand the skill sets required for success with AI

Keynotes & business talks

Advice & sparring

In person & virtual. Worldwide. 1-on-1 & team workshops.
“There are no stupid questions.”

✅ Brainstorm & learn about all AI
✅ Explore AI benefits for your organization
✅ See which form of AI is best to address which business need
✅ Evaluate AI readiness and strategy

AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner
AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner

Keynote examples

AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner
AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner

Between ChatGPT and Terminator: What AI really is.

  • Generative AI? Analytical AI? What else should you know?

  • Are the hype about AI and the fear of missing out (FOMO) justified today?

  • Why will AI not replace people, except those who don’t use it?

AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner
AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner

AI and data literacy as profit booster.

  • How does a suitable data mindset improve attitudes towards AI?

  • What is a data literacy program?

  • Why is answering the question “What's in it for me?” crucial?

AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner
AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner

Show me the money. Let’s get real with AI.

  • Why do 70% of AI projects fail?

  • What role does the human factor play?

  • How to succeed with AI adoption in your organization?

AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner
AI expert, keynote speaker, advisor, and sparring partner

Data and AI strategy: There can be only one.

  • How many data & AI strategies do you need?

  • What are the key enablers of data & AI strategy?

  • Why can things go wrong?


Full keynote (15 min):
What is AI and what can it do for R&D?

Keynote excerpt (5 min):
It always starts with business needs.

Shorts (40 s):
Why do AI projects fail?


"Jack's talk was eye-opening and for me the best talk of the whole conference. Getting AI products adopted by employees is really hard to achieve. However, Jack distills the solution to one central question, gives orientation, and provides best practice examples."

Dr. Julia Zukrigl, CEO, DATA story LAB

“Mr. Jack Lampka was invited repeatedly on several occasions as a speaker and panel discussion leader to our AI and Data Analytics summits as his expertise in the field and his skills in presenting and engaging audiences have been unique. Always happy to have Jack with us at our events.”

Iva Tahova, Conference Producer, BERRY Professionals

“Jack impresses with his clear, pragmatic views and ability to consistently hit the mark. His likable and inspiring demeanor makes each of his presentations a standout experience.”

Kai-Uwe Stahl, CEO, BI or DIE

“Actionable insights paired with an entertaining delivery. Jack's keynote made the conference for me.”

Christoph Hoffmann, Head of Data Solutions & AI, PROCON IT

“Your presentation was well delivered. I felt like you were talking directly with me.”

CDO, Biotech

“Thank you for being pragmatic and leaving the BS to others.”

Head of Strategy, Insurance